01480 309369 [email protected]

Getting Started

Before we are instructed in any valuation assignment, we will provide a reliable estimate of costs wherever this is feasible.   To enable us to do this, we request a basic package of information which will usually include as a minimum:

  • Three years’ annual accounts from the most-recently completed year (ideally with the detailed profit and loss account usually prepared for directors)
  • A brief description of the business and its history and
  • The reason for and the subject matter of the valuation

For intangible asset valuations we will also need to see:

  • A copy of any financial projections
  • A copy of any relevant agreements (e.g. royalty agreements)
  • Details of any legal protection (trademarks and patents)

We aim to provide a fee estimate within two working days of receiving this information. Whenever possible we will agree a fixed fee which will apply unless significant unpredicted circumstances arise or critical matters of which we should have been made aware at the quotation stage later come to light. In these rare circumstances, we will discuss and agree revised terms. In some situations giving an accurate fee estimate may not be feasible, for example in negotiations with SAV. In these cases it is difficult ahead of time to predict the nature of SAV’s responses, the frequency of communication or how long it will take to reach agreement. In order to give clients control over costs, we usually agree an initial fee for the first round of negotiation with further budgets for subsequent exchanges in the light of SAV’s response. We also review progress with the client after each round, balancing the future cost of continuing negotiations with the additional benefit likely to be achievable.

We pride ourselves in only accepting instructions in situations where we believe we can add value.

Contact us on 01480 309369 email [email protected] or complete the contact form below.

Contact us on 01480 309369
email [email protected]
or complete the contact form below.


Need to settle a dispute over the value of a shareholding?


How much is your company worth?


Selling a minority shareholding. What is it worth?


Incorporating your sole trader business? What is the goodwill worth and what value will HMRC accept for tax purposes?


Making awards under a Management Incentive Plan?  What is the value of the MIP shares for tax purposes?


Negotiations with HMRC at an impasse? Need a new perspective?




What HMRC means by “valuation”

When carrying out a valuation for tax purposes it must calculated on the correct basis and therefore it’s important to understand what HMRC means by the term valuation.

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Is “Fair Value” Always Fair?

Fair value provisions in articles of association A company’s Articles of Association often require shares to be valued “at fair value” variously by its auditor, an expert or someone recommended by the President of the...

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Goodwill To All Men? Part 2

HMRC and trade related properties Owners of trade-related properties (“TRPs”) face a particularly difficult task in persuading HMRC that there is any goodwill attaching to a TRP on incorporation (see previous Newsdesk...

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