by admin | 6 Nov, 2015 | Share Valuation for Commercial Purposes
The mysteries of share valuation revealed There can be many reasons why company owners may wish to obtain an opinion of the current value of their own shareholdings or of the company as a whole. Perhaps an unsolicited approach to purchase the company has been made. A...
by admin | 6 Aug, 2015 | Share Valuation for Commercial Purposes
Quasi-partnership rules Does a minority shareholder have a proportionate share in a company’s value? Rarely (as our earlier Newdesk item Fair shares for all or in the minority – part1 explained) but there is an exception which proves the rule. If the rights of a...
by admin | 6 Jul, 2015 | Share Valuation for Commercial Purposes
Valuing minority shareholdings – the basics explained Does a minority shareholder have a proportionate share in a company’s value? Rarely! The key issue with any minority shareholding valuation is the extent to which its owner is able to influence the returns he or...